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Anthony Phillips関連は好きです。
あまりPeter Gabriel自体は好きじゃないかも。

どこに入れようか迷ったBRAND Xはここへ。


  1. Looking for Someone
  2. White Mountain
  3. Visions of Angels
  4. Stagnation
  5. Dusk
  6. The Knife
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-23113 (original release 1970 - CHARISMA RECORDS)

Genesis/Nursery Cryme (怪奇骨董音楽箱)

  1. The Musical Box
  2. For Absent Friends
  3. The Return of The Giant Hogweed
  4. Seven Stones
  5. Harold The Barrel
  6. Harlequin
  7. The Fountain of Salmacis
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-23114 (original release 1971 - CHARISMA RECORDS)


  1. Watcher of The Skies
  2. Time Table
  3. Get'em Out by Friday
  4. Can-Utility and The Coastliners
  5. Horizons
  6. Supper's Ready
    1. Lover's Leap
    2. The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man
    3. Ikhnaton and Itscon and Their Band of Merry Man
    4. How Dare I Be So Beautiful?
    5. Willow Farm
    6. Apocalypse in 9/8
    7. As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men's Feet)
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-23115 (original release 1972 - CHARISMA RECORDS)

Genesis/Selling England by The Pound (月影の騎士)

#Firth of Fifthの流麗なギターは今聴いてもいいなーと思います。他の曲はちょっと緩めかな〜
  1. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
  2. I Know What I Like
  3. Firth of Fifth
  4. More Fool Me
  5. The Battle of Epping Forest
  6. After The Ordeal
  7. The Cinema Show
  8. Aisle of Plenty
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-23117 (original release 1973 - CHARISMA RECORDS)

Genesis/The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (眩惑のブロードウェイ)

  1. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
  2. Fly On A Windshield
  3. Broadway Melody Of 1974
  4. Cuckoo Cocoon
  5. In The Cage
  6. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging
  7. Back In N.Y.C.
  8. Hairless Heart
  9. Counting Out Time
  10. Carpet Crawl
  11. The Chamber Of 32 Doors
  1. Lilywhite Lilith
  2. The Waiting Room
  3. Anyway
  4. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaestheist
  5. The Lamia
  6. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats
  7. The Colony Of Slippermen
    1. The Arrival
    2. A Visit To The Doctor
    3. Ravine
  8. Ravine
  9. The Light Dies Down On Broadway
  10. Riding The Scree
  11. In The Rapids
  12. It
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-36028 (original release 1974 - CHARISMA RECORDS)

Anthony Phillips/The Geese And The Ghost

Anthony Phillips本人の歌う Master of Time がとても好きです、歌下手だけど、なんだか湿った雰囲気がキモチイイです。
  1. Wind - Tale
  2. Which Way The Wind Blows
    Henry; Portraits From Tudor Times
  3. (i) Fanfare
  4. (ii) Lutes' Chorus
  5. (iii) Misty Battlements
  6. (iv) Henry Goes To War
  7. (v) Death Of A Knight
  8. (vi) Triumphant Return

  9. God If I Saw Her Now
  10. Chinese Mushroom Cloud
  11. The Geese And The Ghost Part 1
  12. The Geese And The Ghost Part 2
  13. Collections
  14. Sleepfall: The Geese Fly West
  15. Master Of Time (demo)
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-2321 (original release 1977)

Anthony Phillips/Slow Dance

  1. Slow Dance (Part 1)
  2. Slow Dance (Part 2)
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-65 (1990.11.21)

Steve Hackett/Voyage of the Acolyte

  1. Ace of Wands
  2. Hands of the Priestess Part I
  3. A Tower Struck Down
  4. Hands of the Priestess Part II
  5. The Hermit
  6. Star of Sirius
  7. The Lovers
  8. Shadow of the Hierophant

Brand-X/Unorthodox Bbehaviour (異常行動)

  1. Nuclear burn
  2. Euthanasia waltz
  3. Born ungly
  4. Smacks of euphonic hysteria
  5. Unorthodox behaviour
  6. Running of three
  7. Touch wood
  • John Goodsall (guitars,sitar)
  • Percy Jones (bass,marinba)
  • Robin Lumley (keyboards,piano)
  • Phil Collins (drums)
  • Morris Pert (percussions)
  • top

    BRAND X/Morrocan Roll

    1. Sun in The Night
    2. Why Should I Lend You mine (When You've broken Yours Off Already)...
    3. ...Maybe I'll Lend You Mine After All
    4. Hate Zone
    5. Collapsar
    6. Disco Suicide
    7. Orbits
    8. Malaga Virgen
    9. Macrocosm
    VIRGIN JAPAN: VJD-28202 (orignal release 1977 - CHARISMA RECORDS)

    BRAND X/Masques

    1. The Poke
    2. Masques
    3. Black Moon
    4. Deadly Nightshade
    5. Earth Dance
    6. Access to Data
    7. The Ghost of Mayfield Lodge
    VIRGIN JAPAN: VJD-28204 (original release 1978 - CHARISMA RECORDS)

    BRAND X/Product

    1. Don't Make Waves
    2. Dance of The Illegal Aliens
    3. Soho
    4. Not Good Enough-See Me!
    5. Algon
    6. Rhesus Perplexus
    7. Wal to Wal
    8. ...And so to F
    9. April
    VIRGIN JAPAN; VJD-28205 (original release 1979 - CHARISMA RECORDS)

    BRAND X/X Communication

    1. Xanax Taxi
    2. Liquid Time
    3. Kluzinski Period
    4. Healing Dream
    5. Mental Floss
    6. Strangeness
    7. A Duck Exploding
    8. Message to You
    9. Church of Hype
    10. Kluzinski Reprise
    JIMCORECORDS: JICK-89153 (1882.12.1)