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overseas * * * JAPAN



JAPAN/Tin Drum (錻力の太鼓)

  1. The Art of Parites
  2. Talking Drum
  3. Ghosts
  4. Canton
  5. Still Life in Mobile Homes
  6. Visions of China
  7. Sons of Pioneers
  8. Cantonese Boy
VIRGIN JAPAN: VJCP-23056 (1981)


  1. Big Wheels in Shanty Town
  2. Every Colour You Are
  3. Rain Tree Crow
  4. Red Earth (as summertime ends)
  5. Pocket Full of Change
  6. Boat's for Burning
  7. New Moon at Red Deer Wallow
  8. Blackwater
  9. A Reassuringly Dull Sunday
  10. Blackcrow Hits Shoe Shine City
  11. Scratchings on The Bible Belt
  12. Cries and Whispers

Mick Karn/Bestial Cluster

  1. Bestial Cluster
  2. Back In The Beginning
  3. Beard In The Letterbox
  4. The Drowing Dream
  5. The Sad Velved Breath Of Summer And Winter
  6. Saday, Maday
  7. Liver And Lungs
  8. Bones Of Mud
JIMCO RECORDS: JICK-89701 (original release CMP RECORDS)

Mick Karn/The Tooth Mother

  1. Thundergirl Mutation
  2. Plaster The Magic Tongue
  3. Lodge of Skins
  4. Gossip's Cup
  5. Feta Funk
  6. The Tooth Mother
  7. Little-less Hope
  8. There Was Not Anything But Nothing

polytown (torn/karn/bozzio)

#D.Torn + M.Karn + T.Bozzioという組み合わせ、やっぱりセッション風のアルバムです。メンツがメンツなだけに全然JAZZっぽく無いです、CMPにしてはロック色の強いセッションアルバム、D.Tornの色が結構出てるかな?
高校の頃に先輩から売ってもらったアルバムです、久々に聴いて見てますけど.....全然懐かしく無いのはなんででしょうかね?えーと3人中の2人好きだったら買っても良いとおもいます。アルバム的にはBestial ClusterとかのM.Karnのソロ名義の方が好きですけど。
  1. Honey Sweating
  2. Palms for Lester
  3. Open Letter to the Heart of Diaphora
  4. Bandaged by Dreams
  5. Warrior Horsemen of the Spirit Thundering over Hills of Doubt to A Place of Hope
  6. Snail Hair Dune
  7. This is The Abduction Scene
  8. Red Sleep
  9. Res Majuko
  10. City of The Dead
JIMCO RECORDS: JICK-89726 (1990 - original release CMP RECORDS)

David Sylvian & Robert Fripp/The First Day

  1. God's Monkey
  2. Jean The Birdman
  3. Firepower
  4. Brightness Falls
  5. 20th Century Dreaming -a shaman's song-
  6. Darshan -the road to graceland-
  7. Bringing Down The Light

David Sylvian & Robert Fripp/Damage

#えーとなんか大層な箱に入ったSylvian&Frippの2枚目、ライヴ。11曲目とか攻撃的で格好良いです。Rain Tree Crowの曲とかもやってます、1枚目よりもSylvian色が強いかも、バラード有るし。ちなみにドラムが現クリムゾンのPat Mastelottoに代わってます。Jerry Marottaはいずこへ...
  1. Damage
  2. God's Monkey
  3. Brightness Falls
  4. Every Colour You Are
  5. Firepower
  6. 20th Century Dreaming
  7. Wave
  8. Riverman
  9. Darshan
  10. Blinging Light Of Heaven
  11. The First Day